Due to language and being pissed off, discretion is strongly advised. I do not wish to offend anyone... except these people.
Let me tell you, when it comes to picking out
"friends" I have picked some fantastic ones. (I hope you can sense the shit load of sarcasm pours through that statement.) I've never had a bad experience with my male friends, but when it comes to the bitches... yep, that's
exactly what they are... I can tell you a few stories. There are two that stand out in my mind and I'll probably write both of them because I hate them both... forever.
The Cunt,
You are a complete fucking waste of space. I hate the fact that I have to share my air with you. How fucking
DARE you
ever call yourself my friend (or anyone's friend for that matter)! You are such a lying, two-faced bitch! I should have left you exactly where I found you. Stuck with a piece of shit, drunk junkie, ugly mother fucker. Exactly where you
would have stayed had it not been for people caring about you. (Wow, that was a waste of time). You are pathetic excuse for a human and I hope that one day, everyone you have infected with your presence realizes that. I cannot believe that I took your side on so much shit, and then you turn around and stab me in the back like that, you fucking bitch. Then, to disappear for over a year. Don't even get me started on that. The anger I feel for you runs deep in my veins and one day I will get that chance to be face to face with you. From the second that other whore told me, I have played the "conversation" over and over in my head that I would have with you. Don't think that hiding will do you any good. You should have confronted this when it first happened. The worst part about all of this, besides the fact that you ruined my life for a short time, is that our children will never have the chance to grow up together. I still have to hear my son ask about your daughter. I had such a huge love for that girl and that will never change, I just feel sorry for her that she has a mother like you. I hope this comes back on you, I truly do. I hope one day someone does to
you what you did to me. I did absolutely nothing to you in order to deserve that and you know that. How fucking dare you! You thought you had your cards played right and that things would work out in your favor... You're such a fucking dumbass to think that it would
ever work in the first place. I don't understand why you had to stoop as low as lying to get your way. Manipulative bitch. You are a disease and that's all you'll ever be. The only thing you ever did that was worth a shit was give birth to that little girl. I was even there for the birth. When you had fucking
no one,
my family was there for you, not yours... yet, you still turn around and stab my back. I'll carry that scar as a reminder and your day will eventually come... I promise you that.
The Whore,
You are definitely on the
top of my list right now. What I feel for the person above is absolutely
nothing compared to what I feel for you. The thought of you makes me fucking sick. I should have known years ago that you were a piece of shit. Even then you couldn't keep your fucking legs closed. You always made sure to play the pity card and it worked for so long... Playing all your "friends" against each other so that we would never get together and uncover all the bullshit you had been feeding us for years. I was stupid enough to fall for it... You acted like my best friend when I was at my lowest, laying out your road of fucked up shit from the beginning. Yet, there's something about you that make people believe you. It pisses me off so fucking bad. I've been looked down upon for shit
you said! The only reason you chose to take the words out of your mouth and put them in mine is so that they would hate me and never believe a word I say. That's your way of keeping your secrets locked away, but let me tell you something. They will come out and I'll be standing there laughing when they do. Oh, but there you go again, playing your
"oh, it's so hard to stay sober... all my friends hate me... even though I've talked so much shit about you, will you please be my friend?" and they fucking fall for it! You even tried sleeping with their husband, before they were married of course, but I'm sure they don't know that either. What about the numerous times you cheated on
your husband(s)? I know so much shit about you that I could easily ruin your fucking life and you better believe, I'm just waiting on the perfect time. They'll eventually figure out what you're all about and I hope that it's not the way
I did. Fuck you for lying
to me and
about me for years. You have definitely taught me to trust my gut. I loathe your very existence. To think... I used to actually envy you. It makes me want to throw up just writing those words. No one has any idea what emotion I hold in when it comes to this fucked up bullshit.... no one. You have created this. You should have just kept you fucking mouth shut to begin with. You wanted to see me hurt and that's the other reason you ever brought it up. How in the hell can you justify being the one to "deliver the bad news" and turn around and do it yourself?! It takes two to tango, but you damn sure played your part, in more ways than one.... You'll get yours... and I'll make sure to be there the day you do.
Maybe I can luck out and run into both of these worthless people at the same time. I've been holding this shit in for way too long... but the day will come for some closure...