Dear Boo,
My sweet (not-so-little anymore) boy. You are the one that gave me my favorite memory... and you've given me so many more after that. From the moment I knew I was pregnant with you, I was terrified. Being young and not sure of where my life was about to take me, I had so many questions running through my mind. Will I be a good mom? Will I do the right things? How is my life about to change? There was one thing I knew for sure, I would love you with everything I had.
For almost three months, I was scared to tell anyone. I knew Nana and Papa would be upset because I was only seventeen. Once they found out things were stressful for a little while, but then they fell in love with you too (and you weren't even here yet). From the beginning, I felt like you were a boy (because normally, a mom doesn't find out if it's a boy or girl until about half-way through being pregnant). The day we actually got to see that you were a boy, I was so excited! I looked forward to all the things a dad usually does. The sports, bugs, camping....
I enjoyed being pregnant with you. I really did. I loved feeling you move around and I imagined what you would look like. I tried to think about how you would act. I was anxious about being a good mother and as the days got closer and closer, I loved you more and more. The day that I would hold you for the first time was getting closer. Finally, the last doctor appointment I would have while being pregnant. It was Thursday morning at about 11:00. I was ten days before the due date the doctor had given me, but I knew you would be here soon. Almost 12 hours later, my water broke.
I wasn't really that scared on the way to the hospital, but more excited. I had everything ready for you to get here... but I had no idea what I was about to go through. Labor and delivery wasn't that bad (from what I remember). Everything gets a little foggy from here. I remember Nana, Grandmother, your dad, and the nurses being in the room and that the doctor couldn't get to the room in time to deliver you. One of the nurses had to do it. You came quick (and then immediately peed on the nurse). Your cries were music to my ears. I remember looking at you and you were perfect. The sweetest little eyes, the cutest little lips, and the smallest button nose. It was 10:12 in the morning on Friday. I had been in the hospital for less than 12 hours.
As they checked you and cleaned you, I couldn't wait to get you back in my arms. It was official. I was a mom. I brought this tiny, 5lb 7oz, baby boy into this world. At some point in time, they checked your sugar count. It was way too low. I was told that you would be going to NICU right away. I'm hypoglycemic
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